1 Introduction of Greek Tragedy.
2 Origin of Greek Tragedy.
3 Parts of Greek Tragedy.
1:- Introduction of Greek Tragedy.
Greek Tragedy is the ahead variety of European dramas, and it was built in the city-state of Athens. Commonly it's subject technique was brought from methodology, Often flawlessly credible verbal history, enclosing stories about gods and different supernatural existences, passed from generation to generation by statement of mouth.
But sometimes new incidents also perceived a significant for the survival of a nation could give the element for a calamity. Actual Greek tragedy illustrates the production of a very short duration of history, from about 480 BC. When earlier plays of Aeschylus's we're conducted, to the final plays of Sophocles and Euripides at the end of the fifth century. At the end of the war with Persia, the early plays in fifty years from 430 to 480 were written by the two later tragedians. The Peloponnesian War with Sparta was to demolish Athens and was to be an independent city. (472) is the firstest surviving play date. The importance and sincerity of Aristotle spoke had been obtained by Aeschylus Persians Tragedy. Its development is connected with the human circumstances and the latter's relation to divine law.
Tragedies accomplishment were parts of religious eve's in Attica. The Dionysus Festivals have defined till the Hellenistic age occurred. Nevertheless, Greek tragedy was rigidly communicating neither historical nor mythological. It was the Drama in poetic aspect, it has an understanding of poetry grows over the facts of history, and it's been an express human's reality of a universal manner. A combination of heroic characters is achieved. In the case of social status, moral excellence and vigor of emotions are rising above the ordinary. In concern to divine strengths and plot symbolizing helplessness of human existence. To love humanity was not professed by Greek gods.
They pledged no salvation after death. And conducted a harsh magistrate not merely to villains but also to unsuspecting innocents because of humiliations committed by their forefathers. Tragic personality often tolerate and die for crimes which have been done by the unwillingly. God ordered them to do so because they have to pay for an old sin or drop under a family curse. They recognize the certainty of their Destiny, they pretend with confidence in accordance with their beliefs and continue to do what they think is good, often precipitating their horrible demise. This is supposed a tragic death, even though in the modern languages the word tragedy is often utilized more smoothly as a synonym for crisis extremely a seemingly under-served disaster that blows suddenly strong people and pleased families. From this century, we know many playwrights. Only three works existed at the end of ancientness and in the middle age, a lot of ancient literature was lost.
Fortunately, these three poets were considered the best poet. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Sophocles won 20 fame as compared to Aeschylus 13 and Euripides 4. Ancient critics choose his seven finest plays i.e. Ajax, the Women of Philoctetes, Oedipus Tyrannus, Antigone Oedipus at Colonus, Electra, Theban plays, and Trachis. These plays are not a trilogy. They could not perform jointly at one Eve. In fact, the first play Antigone, was written from the last Oedipus Colonus about forty years separate. Each play is considered as a separate work, while Sophocles implies to his earlier work, Different goals were maintained by him and different techniques required for each other.
2:-Origin Of Greek Tragedy.
Any reality is recognized as the origin of tragedy. Dramatic recitations of epic and further poems by traveling rhapsodes literally song-stitchers, bards may have impacted the development of tragic conversation. Double origin is provided by Aristotle. Nothing first that tragedy evolved from the dithyramb, and secondly, that tragedy was an outcome of the satyric. The dithyrambic related to the 7th century BC Corinthian musician Arion, What does observe by the 5th-century historian Hero dotusas having improved the aspect. The Greek word for a tragic code, Stasimon stationery song maybe reflect in this origin. Dionysus's attendants better goats skin. The word tragedy would clarify tragoidia. Which means goat song. Normally the origin of tragedy was indicated by anchors other than Aristotle to thespis, an actor into choral achievements taught speeches in the Sixth century from a poet. An eve was held by each spring Athens at which the events for the best tragedy and humor after 486 was held in a central component. Three important dramas were delivered by tragic playwrights and, A satyr play was called by a mythological parody, often on a related theme.
3 Parts of Greek Tragedy:-
1 Structure:- The Tragedy of Greek is as much choral as dramatic even though lyric passages and dramatic conversation varied considerably in style.
=The Prologue (Prologos):- The part coming before the entrance of the chorus, a monologue or dialogue pairs out the subject of the acting, and the dilemma from which it begins. The opening of the chorus play begins in the head tragedies, without a prologue scene.
=The Parodos:- Once on stage, the chorus joins and sings a song, after the end of the play chorus leaves the theatre.
=The Episodes (Epeisodia):- One or more than an actor can take a role in events with the chorus. The word Epeisodion means the entrance of an actor to notify something to the chorus.
=Stasima:- In Greek Tragedy, stasimon is a stationary song, which is a text are of anti strophes and strophes, and the chorus conducted it on the stage.
=The Exodos:- Final event after the last stasimon. The exodus assumes the play with all players taking off the stage.
2 Plot:- Greek tragic plots were established upon myths from the verbal notion of archaic epics. However, in tragic theatre, the actors proposed these narratives. The most distinguished Greek tragedians are Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides.
3 Actors:- In the beginning, there were no actors in the dithyramb. Thespis poet was introduced, hypocrite. Aeschylus and Sophocles played leading roles. And other persons on the stage was playing the dumb roles.
4 Chorus:- In the beginning, the chorus had 12 members. Then Sophocles added 3 more members.15 of the chorus were joined on the stage in rows. In old dithyramb, the chorus was giving rise to in a circle. The chorus was making courtyards in ancient theatre. Basically, the chorus is a group ofdancof dancer singers.
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